

The brief
This project was a collaboration with Amy Calladine (illustration), Hiba Khan (3D design and layout) and me (logo, brand stratergy, typograghy and border design).
Spellbound is a fantasy themed activity pack for children aged 5-7. Through research we discovered that school children average around seven hours a day on screens, with 25% of 5–7-year-olds having access to their own smartphones and 65% of children having access to social media apps (e.g. WhatsApp, TikTok, Instagram, etc).
Spellbound aims to encourage children to spend less time on the internet using fantasy to encourage their imagination, improve mindfulness and develop their motor skills (Such as handwriting). this product also aims to support parents in spending more time with their children by setting them quests through the activities and support their child’s learning.
Mockup for the activity pack envelopes. pencils,tape and badges created by Hiba khan using blender.
Card borders
Designs for various actvity card borders. The design varies depending on which packet it belongs too (e.g. outdoors has more nature elements die to it being out in nature. My inspiration for this design was a combonation of amy's art style and tapestry design
Spellbound's logo
Final logo and sublogo design for spellbound, used abyss for a more natural hand-drawn feel. Also used our colour palette in a gradient to make it friendlier and more playful. Leaf on the end also links back to growth value and the dragon to imagination.
The press-kit
To present our idea to possible clients I was in charge of directing and brainstorming the press-kit. To symbolise the overlap of reality and fantasy i came up with the idea of combining Amy's illustration with photograghy(). The kit uses round circular shapes as through my research i found they are associated with friendliness and safety. I also came up with the ideas for values and the wayfinding, working with Amy who then did the illustrations for these concepts.
Promotional materials
Two examples of the advertisment we designed for spellbound using out illustration + photograghy idea. Hibas 3D bags were added and i worked on copyright and layout. Adverts would be found online where itd be easiest for busy parents to find.
Below is some of the development work including logo development and press-kit planning
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